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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Add FileUpload Control To Edit The Image In GridView

If you are displaying images in gridview control and you want to update the image by a fileupload control. I assume that the image path is stored in database as well as a folder named "Image" in your application.

To add a FileUpload control to your GridView, you first need to add an ItemTemplateField. To the template field you can add both an ItemTemplate, which will be displayed when the row is not in edit mode, and an EditItemTemplate, which will be displayed when the row is in edit mode. If you only want to show the FileUpload control when a row has entered edit mode, you can add the FileUpload ot the EditItemTemplate: 







As you can see in the code above, the ItemTempalte will display an Image control, where the ImageUrl attribute of the control is bound to a “Image” field (The “Image” in this case is the name of the data source’s column that will contain the path to the image that should be displayed).

To pass the filename that is uploaded by the FileUpload control to your data-source control’s UpdateCommand, you need to create a parameter for the filename. To create a parameter that will be used by your UpdateCommand, you can add the parameter to the data-source’s UpdateParameters collection. The following is an example of a SqlDataSource control where an Image parameter is added, and where the Select- and UpdateCommand are specified (The Image parameter represents the filename that will be passed to the UpdateCommnad):


   ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"

   SelectCommand="SELECT [CustomerID], [Name], [Image] FROM [Customers]"

   UpdateCommand="UPDATE [Customers] SET [Name] = @Name, [Image] = @Image WHERE   [CustomerID] = @original_CustomerID">





The FileUpload control, will not automatically save the uploaded file. To save the file you need to use the FileUpload control’s SaveAs method. Before you can use the SaveAs method you need to get the instance of the FileUpload control for the row you are editing. To get the instance of the control you can hook up to the GridView’s RowUpdating event. The following code will get the instance of the FileUpload control and save the uploaded file:

protected void GridView1_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
    FileUpload fileUpload = GridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("FileUpload1") as FileUpload;

    fileUpload.SaveAs(System.IO.Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("Images"), fileUpload.FileName));

    SqlDataSource1.UpdateParameters["Image"].DefaultValue = "~/Images/" + fileUpload.FileName;

From the RowUpdating event’s GridViewUpdateEventArgs, you can get the index of GridView’s row that is going to be updated. You can use the RowIndex property to get the row you are editing from the GridView’s Rows collection. When you have the instance of the GirdView’s row, you can use the FindControl method to locate the FileUpload control. In the RowUpdating event the Image parameter added to the UpdateParamters collection will be set to the name of the uploaded file. The RowUpdating event will be trigged before the data-source control’s UpdateCommand is executed, so the RowUpdateing event is a good place to change the value of the data-source parameters that will be passed to the data-source’s UpdateCommand.

When the data-source update command is executed, the name of the uploaded file will be passed to your UpdateCommand, and the uploaded file will be saved to your disc.

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