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Monday, April 14, 2014

Drag-and-Drop Operation in Windows Forms

Drag-and-Drop Operation in Windows Forms

To perform drag-and-drop operations within Windows-based applications you must handle a series of events, most notably the DragEnterDragLeave, and DragDrop events. By working with the information available in the event arguments of these events, you can easily facilitate drag-and-drop operations.

To Start The Drag Operation

All drag-and-drop operations begin with dragging. The functionality to enable data to be collected when dragging begins is implemented in the DoDragDrop method.
In the following example, the MouseDown event is used to start the drag operation because it is the most intuitive (most drag-and-drop actions begin with the mouse button being depressed). However, remember that any event could be used to initiate a drag-and-drop procedure.
  • In the MouseDown event for the control where the drag will begin, use the DoDragDrop method to set the data to be dragged and the allowed effect dragging will have. For more information, see Data and AllowedEffect.
  • The following example shows how to initiate a drag operation. The control where the drag begins is a Button control, the data being dragged is the string representing the Text property of the Button control, and the allowed effects are either copying or moving.

private void button1_MouseDown(object sender, 
System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
   button1.DoDragDrop(button1.Text, DragDropEffects.Copy | 

To perform a drop

Once you have begun dragging data from a location on a Windows Form or control, you will naturally want to drop it somewhere. The cursor will change when it crosses an area of a form or control that is correctly configured for dropping data. Any area within a Windows Form or control can be made to accept dropped data by setting the AllowDrop property and handling the DragEnter and DragDrop events.
  1. Set the AllowDrop property to true.
  2. In the DragEnter event for the control where the drop will occur, ensure that the data being dragged is of an acceptable type (in this case, Text). The code then sets the effect that will happen when the drop occurs to a value in the DragDropEffects enumeration. 
private void textBox1_DragEnter(object sender, 
System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs e)
   if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Text)) 
      e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy;
      e.Effect = DragDropEffects.None;
In the DragDrop event for the control where the drop will occur, use the GetData method to retrieve the data being dragged.
In the example below, a TextBox control is the control being dragged to (where the drop will occur). The code sets the Text property of the TextBox control equal to the data being dragged.
private void textBox1_DragDrop(object sender, 
System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs e)
   textBox1.Text = e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.Text).ToString();

Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Concept Of Generics In .Net With C# And VB.Net

The Detailed Description Of Generics In .Net

Generic Type : A generic type is a type that uses generic type parameters. For example, the type LinkedList, defined as:

public class LinkedList
Public Class LinkedList(Of K, T)
End Class

Generic Type Parameter : A generic type parameter is the place holder a generic type uses. For example, the generic type LinkedList, defined as:

public class LinkedList
Public Class LinkedList(Of K, T)
End Class

Some more description about generics:
Constructed Type : A constructed type is any generic type that has at least one type argument.

Open Constructed Type : A open constructed type is any generic type that which contains at least one type parameter used as a type argument

Closed Constructed Type : A closed constructed type is a generic type that which contains no type parameters as type arguments.

Initialize a Generic Type Parameter

When declaring a generic type, you need to specify the types that will replace the type parameters in the declaration. These are known as type arguments to the generic type. Type arguments are simply types. 
You need to specify which types to use for K, the list's key, and T, the data items stored in the list. You specify the types in two places: when declaring the list's variable and when instantiating it:
LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
Dim list As New LinkedList(Of Integer, String)
list.AddHead(123, "ABC")

Constraints in Generics:

Constraints allow additional contextual information to be added to the type parameters of generic types. The constraints limit the range of types that are allowed to be used as type arguments, but at the same time, they add information about those type parameters. Constraints ensure that the type arguments specified by the client code are compatible with the generic type parameters the generic type itself uses. Meaning, constraints prevent the client from specifying types as type arguments that do not offer the methods, properties, or members of the generic type parameters that the generic type relies upon.
After applying a constraint you get IntelliSense reflecting the constraints when using the generic type parameter, such as suggesting methods or members from the base type.
Derivation constraint indicates to the compiler that the generic type parameters derives from a base type such an interface or a particular base class. 
You can provide constraints for every generic type parameter that your class declares. You can have a base class constraint, meaning, stipulating that the generic type parameter derives from a particular base class:
However, you can only use one base class at most in a constraint because neither C#, Visual Basic or managed C++ support multiple inheritance of implementation. Obviously, the base class you constrain to cannot be a sealed class, and the compiler enforces that. In addition, you cannot constrain System.Delegate or System.Array as a base class.
You can constrain both a base class and one or more interfaces, but the base class must appear first in the derivation constraint list.You can combine the default constructor constraint with derivation constraints, provided the default constructor constraint appears last in the constraint list.

Auto-Generate Wrapper Classes for Stored Procedures Using the AutoSproc Tool

Auto-Generate Wrapper Classes for Stored Procedures Using the AutoSproc Tool

The essence of the idea behind AutoSproc is for the developer to define methods on an interface that correspond to the stored procedures that exist in a database. These interface methods are abstract at the time of program compilation, but receive an implementation at runtime from a code generation assembly the client program references, named AutoSproc.dll. At the heart of this assembly there is a publicly callable static (shared) method called SprocFactory.CreateInstance(). A key parameter that must be passed when making a call to this method is type information for an interface. The primary function of this method is to dynamically fabricate a class that implements the designated interface and to return an instance of that class to the caller. As an example, consider the following stored procedure definition:

@a int,
@b int,
@result int output
select @result = @a+@b

Given this definition, the interface would be defined in Visual Basic .NET as follows:
Public Interface IMath
    Inherits ISprocBase
    Function upAddTwoNumbers(ByVal a As Integer, _
      ByVal b As Integer, _
      ByRef result As Integer) As Integer
End Interface

ISprocBase adds three properties to your deriving interface:
Public Interface ISprocBase
   Property Connection() as IDbConnection
   Property AutoClose () as Boolean
   Property Transaction () as IDbTransaction
End Interface
The Connection property is the means by which one passes the database connection to the code generated class at runtime.
ISprocBase.AutoClose Property
The AutoClose property on the interface can be used to toggle this feature on and off dynamically at runtime during the lifetime of the application.

ISprocBase.Transaction Property

It is often the case that a local transaction is used to protect multiple operations carried out against a database. To facilitate this, a transaction property is defined on the base interface. Its usage is fairly straightforward: Use the database connection to begin the transaction (IDbConnection.BeginTransaction()), feed the transaction to the transaction property on the code generated class, make one or more transacted stored procedure calls then either commit / abort or rollback the transaction (IDbTransaction.Commit()Abort() / Rollback()).
It is important to note that if AutoClose is set to true, then the transaction will exhibit potentially undesirable auto commit behavior because closing the database connection implicitly attempts to commit the transaction. It is recommended that if the Transaction property is being used then AutoClose is set to false.

SprocFactory.CreateInstance() Method Overloads

There are four overloaded SprocFactory.CreateInstance() methods offered, only one of which is strictly necessary (the second one). The other three are offered as a convenience to the developer for seeding Connection and AutoClose properties at creation time. It should be noted that overloads not providing an AutoClose parameter (the first and third) will configure it to true by default.

Public Shared Function CreateInstance (ByVal itf as Type, _
ByVal prov as DBProvider) _
as Object

Public Shared Function CreateInstance (ByVal itf as Type, _
ByVal prov as DBProvider, _
                  autoClose as Boolean) as Object 
Public Shared Function CreateInstance (ByVal itf as Type, _
ByVal conn as IDbConnection) _
as Object
Public Shared Function CreateInstance (ByVal itf as Type, _
ByVal conn as IDbConnection, _
                  ByVal autoClose as Boolean) _
                  as Object
The DBProvider enumeration is the means by which the user configures the code generation layer to emit an implementation. For this release, only SQL Server and OleDb managed providers are available. If the user elects to use the third or fourth CreateInstance() method then the database provider type is inferred by the code generation layer from the IDbConnection parameter, thus making a DBProvider enumeration parameter unnecessary.